The fairy gold is everywhere. It is the sense of unfailing abundance you carry inside. It is the sacred substance that continuously sustains the whole universe. Look around and see the wealth of beauty: the flowers, the fruit, the rich crops and fresh springs. Trust in the intrinsic generosity of life, enjoy your freedom to the full. Remember you are not dependent on any one survival system. The money fairies, "Scilling Beag"(small shilling), and "Pingin Mór" (big penny) cackle and crow with glee, saying that the black pot with the gold has no bottom. There is no end to your supply because of this give generously and receive thankfully. The leprechaun jumps up to share another secret with you.

The true source of the golden good is within you.

It is your own luminous being that attracts all the prosperity, support and opportunities that happen in your life. The more you relax and place your trust in the true presence the easier it will become for you to deal with finances and survival issues. You will find yourself taken care of in all kinds of unusual ways. They remind us that money is good, very useful, but not to compromise yourself for it. Don’t do anything that doesn’t fit with your energy, they say. Develop your true talents and trust the magic of the black pot.


Money making ideas flow easily as you focus on what you need to do next to generate your supply. See which one appeals to you the most--then act upon it. Also be open to the magic of how life likes to surprise you with its unpredictable ways of supporting you.

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