Friendship is the most real sort of love possible", says the friendly fairies, Maire and Ciaran. It doesn’t compare you with others. Rather it is a deep appreciation of your unique qualities and your way of expressing yourself. A good friend doesn’t have unreal expectations of you. Friendly love enjoys you--grumps, groans, tired moans and all. It appreciates the work you do--all the unseen chores--never taking you for granted. This love does not require that you be constantly glamorous or "on top". Rather it embraces you with a kiss and a hug for your human heartiness and your ability to reveal yourself in all your shapes and sizes!

Friendliness is a sharing, loving, caring way of being. It is spontaneous joy at finding someone to share with, to feel safe with and celebrate with. It is a lively delight in oneself and others. A grateful dance with life that helps us to grow younger and younger until we become more and more like children on a summer’s day.


Treasure all the friends and friendship you experience in your life. This is love reaching you in many different ways. Sharing your heart will lighten and brighten your day and that of others. Someone special is coming your way.








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