Is my face funny enough?" asks Billy. "Oh yes," cries Pat, "it’s sure to make people laugh." To remind you that humor is the most important thing on the spiritual path the indispensable fun fairies wriggle their bums at you. Billy gives you a box on the ear for being serious. Pat bubbling over with mirth, pulls your hair. The uninhibited fun fairies give a loud guffaw and chant together.

"Burst with pride that you’re alive,
Into adventure you must dive"

And so they break the spell of any rut you may be in, banishing misery from your life. They encourage you to break out, to express yourself in a fun loving way. They say, "Laughter is a divine gift to humans." Be human, find a way of making someone, including yourself, laugh. Tell a joke. Enjoy the rebellious side of yourself and your life right now. Welcome the humor into your heart and belly. Roar with laughter. "This," says Pat and Billy, "is the best medicine for whatever ails you."


The fun fairies both agree that today you are truly ready to play the fool and generate some fun. A giggle or two can open the door to fairyland anytime. Fun friends are always welcome there.








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